New york hut enforcement


Veteran Expediter
En-route to Plattsburgh NY on 04/23, we were pulled in for inspection 3 times then waived on. At each location I noticed most of the trucks actually being inspected didn't have that new sticker that is now required (with some exceptions) on the front of their truck. I don't no what, if any the fine would be, so make sure you are in compliance.


Staff member
Motor Carrier Executive
Safety & Compliance
Carrier Management
NY Highway Use Tax credientials are required of all vehicles 18,001 GVW and greater. There was a period of time where the state did not issue any decals, simply requiring the paper registration. Just this past year New York again began to issue decals with the paper registration credientials. Be sure to apply your decals and carry the paper registration in your permit book. Ensure that you have NY listed on your IRP license plate cab card if your truck has GVW greater than 26,001 GVW and travels interstate. Another item inspectors will check is to verify that the carrier you are leased onto has paid the UCR fees for this year.

Be safe.