LOGS - Directions to retrieve off of QC site for FXCC drivers


Staff member

Company name: FedEx Custom Critical

Driver Id -
Password - (These two are what the driver uses when they call FXCC)

Last Name -

Click on Login

Click on Reports Tab

Select date range that you want. You can only go back six months. On the first or in the first few days I have a check list of things I need to do and this is one of them.

I created a file on my computer called Logs and under that file I have a sub file for each year. Next I name the file by month and then our name and how many days on the road so that at the end of the year I just add up days when I look at the file. They can easily be printed if you want as well.

Logs (file folder name)
2014 (sub folder name)
01 January Bob 28 (file name)
01 January Linda (file name)

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