Knee Lifts, a Great In-Truck Exercise


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
One of the easiest, best and most-effective exercises I have found that can be done inside any truck or van that you can stand up in is knee lifts.

Begin by standing with both feet on the ground. Lift one knee to raise one foot off the ground. Return to the standing position. Do the same with the other knee. If you wish, place one hand on a wall or other object to steady yourself. As your able, do these lifts higher, faster and with more repetitions over longer periods of time. To get the most benefit, do these lifts until you reach the point of labored breathing and have an elevated heart rate and continue this pace as your able.

Work toward the goal of doing knee lifts for up to 30 minutes. If these knee lifts become too much after a short time, stop for a few minutes to catch your breath, then resume.

This exercise can be done anywhere, anytime, including in the privacy of your truck. It involves several major muscle groups which helps burn calories. It can be done while watching TV or listening to music. It requires no special equipment.

A great time to do knee lifts with vigor is just before you shower at the truck stop. You can work up a sweat in your truck and clean up immediately after.

Procrastination is easily overcome with knee lifts. It takes nothing at all to do just a few knee lifts to get started. If you don't feel like working out, do just a few knee lifts to convince yourself that you at least made a token health and fitness effort that day. You may well find that once you begin with just a few, the next few will come easy and then you'll feel like continuing a bit longer.

It feels good to do a few a few times a day to keep the blood flowing and the mind alert. If you do knee lifts with vigor, you will feel the muscles involved as they reach muscle failure. If you do them regularly, you will feel more fit and feel better about your body and yourself.

That's a lot of benefits from a simple knee lift, which is exactly why I like this exercise so much. It's nothing fancy and almost any able-bodied trucker can do it.
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