I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
After seeing the movie flight 93.
I believe Israel should exterminate all terrorist that are conducting actions against their state. I only wish that they could fire bomb like the Allies did to Dresden and Tokyo in WWII.
We did not worry about civilians then.

If you are not responsible enough to stop terrorists from doing their acts from inside your borders then I guess you deserve what happens to your population.
The countries who allow or support these people deserve all the destruction that occurs.

I can not believe that the the European countries are so critical of a country that is trying to survive.

I also believe the Russians should crush the Chechnian rebels.

These groups have no respect for human life. When fighting the devil you must burn him back to the underworld.


Veteran Expediter
Ace, I am surprised.....well...... sort of ....that no one has even commented on your thread.

I feel like commenting now, not in a writing mode all weekend so here goes.

First thing I have to say I am no big fan of Israel but I also support Israel with a caveat. That caveat is that no one should interfere with their defense of their land, including Europe, the US and most of all the UN – which the UN is the real cause of this problem.

But before I continue on my rant, I have to say that most don’t understand what the history of the area really is in this country. To get a good idea, here is a rather comical but true explanation of the history of the area http://youtube.com/watch?v=HelIHTveKQw
This is not a bad take on it.

Beside I find it really interesting that the left in the press is siding with Hezbollah and Hamas even though many of them are Jewish and a few who were supporters of Israel.

So my rant continues.

I think that we have to decide as a country whether we want to stop the terrorism or continue to worry about ‘civilian’ casualties, the way the ‘world’ looks at us and fighting within the confines of treaties and agreements that not only tie our hands but put all of us at risk. These people, if you want to call them will kill anyone and everyone – it doesn’t matter. No rules of engagement, no ethics of war – just kill the infidels.

In addition we must put some importance in the work of our security forces, including the CIA, FBI, NSA and all the other alphabet organizations who protect us. By allowing the press, who has no more rights than a citizen, to ‘uncover’ secret or programs that help all of us it not right. The NYT and AP should be held accountable, even shut down if they continue to think that they are above the law – they are not. Most will say this is censorship, but in reality freedoms come with responsibility and without the responsibility, the freedoms are short lived.

What does this have to do with Israel? Well a lot when you think about it. They have been experiencing what we did on 9/11. Israel has told us how to do thing and we ignore them, instead we worry about nail clippers and tweezers. We ignore our borders, imagine Israel without border protection?


Veteran Expediter
Isreal is takin names and whoopin @ss. I'm proud of them for it. At least there is one country in this world that still belives in war. There are to many bleeding heart liberals in the US to let us have a real war. We should have been carpet bombing Iraq a long time ago in my opionion. I just wish the liberals would give war a chance. War must be fought by the military in the action, not by polticians in Washington,D.C. People say pull out of Iraq when are we going to pull out of Germany and Japan. Think about WWII was over in 1945 but we still have boots on the ground in Germany and Japan.

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Greg, you talk about history like it is a fact or something. History is only the past as told by the victors. It has little to do about the truth.


Veteran Expediter
>Greg, you talk about history like it is a fact or something.
> History is only the past as told by the victors. It has
>little to do about the truth.

Well please explain what is the truth here? I am always open to corrections. It seems that some history has some fact in it and not always told by the victors.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Late for dinner,
History is facts. Example Dec. 7 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked that is a historical fact. It is also the truth.


Expert Expediter
"History is what happened, not what we wish had happened or what a theory says should have happened."

Thomas Sowell


Veteran Expediter
>Hi Late for dinner,
>History is facts. Example Dec. 7 1941 Pearl Harbor was
>attacked that is a historical fact. It is also the truth.

Hey Ace,

According to our great unaccoutable media, "... the Japanese took a premptive measure on december 7, 1941 to ensure that their country was safe from the United States aggresion after Roosevelt embargoed all oil shipments to Japan and cut them off with scrap steel shipments."
Source is some obscure NYT peice published last week. I find it really funny that we cut off thier oil, but it took 6 months to turn it off and another 8 months to cut off the scrap steel, but no one says that both the oil and scrap industry sold record amounts to the japanese exceeding the combine purchases of the previous 3 years.

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Ok ACE, I agree that history is facts. I just refuse to believe that the facts as told by anybody, are correct all the time. Case in point, there are people who refuse to believe that Clinton lied about the affair, and even better than that some still dont think Bush lied about the reason to invade Iraq. Would you agree with that??


Veteran Expediter
Every war in recent history has been a bed of lies to get us involved. It's no surprise the current one is also. But take a look at Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt knew they were coming, yet did nothing about it, except move the carriers out to sea. I don't appreciate sacrificiing our military as "fish in the barrel" to get what you want.

History is indeed written by the victors. The Spanish Inquisition wasn't as bloodthirsty as the English would have one believe. History books would want us to believe our own Civil War was only about slavery. That is a big reason I chose not to finish my degree to become a history teacher. As much as I love history, most of it is propoganda.

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
You hit it right smack dab on the head. I believe IKE said on his way out that we should never let those who sell arms gain control of our government. Maybe they are not in control but I believe they are close.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Stanleyshenko,
I understand that flight 93 was a movie. That is what prompted me to start the thread.
With that said you will not disagree that terrorists did hijack flight 93 and three other flights,and killed civillians with these hijacked planes.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi late for dinner,

People interpret or believe what they want this does not make what they say fact.

Example- The President of Iran and others believe the Holocaust did not occur. They believe this to be a fact but we know it did occur.

Example- We may believe different reasons why the civil war between the states was started and there is evidence on both sides of the argument. But the fact is there was a Civil war.


Veteran Expediter
>It's like a cop comming up on an accident. He gets a
>different story from both drivers and the truth is somewhere
>in the middle.

Can you please enlighten us of what is really going on there and the history of the area?

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Greg, I agree with you in your support of Israel. What I meant was just because history says something happened doesn't make it so. Case in point, how many jews did Germany kill during WW2? I have heard it told in the many millions. So many that it makes me wonder if there were that many jews on earth at the time.


Veteran Expediter
I get your point.

My support does not extend to everything they do.

I have to say the holocost issues have been blurred just like the slavery issues have been. The sad thing is that truth, raw truth is not hidden by the victors in many cases but the ones who have been so called victimized.


Seasoned Expediter
I am saying that something happened on and to those planes. Who exactly did it (and financed them) and why they did it are still not decided as far as I can tell.

Was it the Hollywood version? No, I certainly do not think it was.


late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Darn Gregg, I guess we agree after all. I just hate it when I get my dander up then find out I don't have anything to be madd about. Good Day