I have a question


New Recruit
I worked for a trucking company in 2016 based in Toledo Ohio. I drove a sprinter for a fleet owner. Well, long story short I had an incident where I side swiped a parked vehicle on the side of the road. It was dark and raining. I did not report it until the next day. I know that it was a careless decision on my part, because I was too afraid to let the company know what had happened. It did not effect my driving record, but I was terminated for the incident.
What I am asking is, how do I get a company to put their trust in me again to prove that I have learned from my mistakes and be given a second chance at driving again?


New Recruit
US Army
I can tell you having worked ready mix for the last few years, you'd be able to land a seat there even with your experience above. Go to a hiring manager and explain earnestly what happened. Hours are tough in ready mix but you're local and the pay is decent (better if you're in a union state).