how Long Before We SUBMIT TO IT?


Veteran Expediter
islam and muslums aren't a problem, noooo, and forget about them emposing sharia law, it ain't goin to happen.....right!!

tell that to the brits that figured they would never see it either. Tell the brits that islam and the muslums aren't looking to control them or take ver their government..

How long will the sheeple continue to let these POS moove into this country and pull their crap? how long before we are looking at sharia law here??

Sharia courts operating in Britain

Sharia courts have been operating in Britain to rule on disputes between Muslims for more than a year, it has emerged.

By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent
Last Updated: 10:55AM BST 16 Sep 2008
Sharia law courts operating in Britain - Telegraph


Five sharia courts have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester and Nuneaton, Warwickshire. The government has quietly sanctioned that their rulings are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court. Previously, the rulings were not binding and depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims.

Lawyers have issued grave warnings about the dangers of a dual legal system and the disclosure drew criticism from Opposition leaders.

Dominic Grieve, the shadow home secretary, said: "If it is true that these tribunals are passing binding decisions in the areas of family and criminal law, I would like to know which courts are enforcing them because I would consider such action unlawful. British law is absolute and must remain so."

Douglas Murray, the director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, added: "I think it's appalling. I don't think arbitration that is done by sharia should ever be endorsed or enforced by the British state."

Muslim tribunal courts started passing sharia judgments in August 2007. They have dealt with more than 100 cases that range from Muslim divorce and inheritance to nuisance neighbours.

It has also emerged that tribunal courts have settled six cases of domestic violence between married couples, working in tandem with the police investigations.

Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, whose Muslim Arbitration Tribunal runs the courts, said that sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals under a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996.

The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case.

The disclosures come after Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, sparked a national debate and calls for his resignation for saying that the establishment of sharia in the future "seems unavoidable" in Britain.

In July, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, the Lord Chief Justice agreed that Muslims in Britain should be able to live according to Islamic law to decide financial and marital disputes.

Mr Siddiqi said he expected the courts to handle a greater number of "smaller" criminal cases in coming years as more Muslim clients approach them. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.

"All we are doing is regulating community affairs in these cases," said Mr Siddiqi, chairman of the governing council of the tribunal.

There are concerns for women suffering under the Islamic laws, which favours men.

Mr Siddiqi said that in a recent inheritance dispute handled by the court in Nuneaton, the estate of a Midlands man was divided between three daughters and two sons.

The judges on the panel gave the sons twice as much as the daughters, in accordance with sharia. Had the family gone to a normal British court, the daughters would have got equal amounts.

In the six cases of domestic violence, Mr Siddiqi said the judges ordered the husbands to take anger management classes and mentoring from community elders. There was no further punishment.

In each case, the women subsequently withdrew the complaints they had lodged with the police and the police stopped their investigations.

Mr Siddiqi said that in the domestic violence cases, the advantage was that marriages were saved and couples given a second chance.


Veteran Expediter
one of the problems that they have, and Europe for that matter don't know how to handle immigrants.

The real problem here is we are too focused on making the buck and having the stuff to concern ourselves with these issues.

Like the U of M foot baths, Call for Pray in Hamtramick, and a lot of other things in minnisota, a lot of people are soft and lazy, they are afraid and don't want to fight for anything because they are onl focused on making the buck and having stuff.


Veteran Expediter
Oh yeah .... this is utterly horrible (... NOT ....)

chef ....... essentially what you seem to have a problem with is ..... Muslims practicing their religion by going to a Sharia (Islamic) court, to settle their disputes ...... with another Muslim.

Huh ? :eek:

Why should you care how two parties of a faith other than your own (I would assume) settle their disputes - provided it is in a civilized and legal manner ?

........ these "courts" are sanctioned under British law as arbitration courts .... not as actual government courts .... it would be like if someone here had a dispute and decided to go to private 3rd party arbitration - instead of clogging up the governmental court system with unnecessary litigation. You elect to go to arbitration and you live with the resulting decision.

Did you get so worked up about all those nasty Mooslims that you utterly missed this part of the article:

"The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case."

In otherwords, it's entirely voluntary ......

Greg - I'm totally disappointed - you are way too smart to buy into this sorta crap .......... :(


Staff member
Retired Expediter
In otherwords, it's entirely voluntary ......

Don't kid yourself. Under Sharia law, men rule all, nearly absolutely, especially within a marriage. It's no surprise that the women in the domestic violence cases withdrew their complaints with the police and "agreed" to have the cases arbitrated by a Sharia Court. The men were sentenced to anger management classes, without a doubt to be administered by Muslim men who also believe that men rule all, and were ordered to be mentored by community elders, who are also Muslim men who believe that men rule all. My, that's harsh punishment for beating your wife.

It's like being found guilty of DUI, and then getting sentenced to go to The Margaritaville Bar & Grille Traffic School every Friday and Saturday night for the next six months. That'll learn ya.

A British Sharia Court consists of at least two people, one a Scholar of Islamic Sacred Law, and a Solicitor of Barrister of England and Wales. The MAT (Muslim Arbitration Tribunal) is supposed to render its verdicts within the legal framework of England and Wales, which sound good, but that does not prevent or impede MAT from ensuring that all determinations reached by it are in accordance with one of the recognized Schools of Islamic Sacred Law. The key to the intentions, and thus the slippery slope, is that is must work within the legal framework of English and Wales law.

As long as the tribunals limit themselves to non-criminal matters, that's one thing, but when they start arbitrating criminal cases, it becomes a very slippery slope. Not only are criminal cases crimes against society at large and not just against the victim, but the really slippery slope is a little thing called precedent, and is the cornerstone of English law.

The precedent has been set to allow the rulings to be binding and are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system. That's fine for a civil matter, but what happens when, under Sharia law, now binding and legal in the UK, a woman is sentenced to be beheaded for committing adultery? The precedent will have been set by then, count on it.

It's all really rather benign at this point, but it's a slippery slope, indeed.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Melanie Phillips BBC radio wrote a book on "Londonistan" and clearly lables liberialism the root of the problem, which will divide UK/USA..