It's a Team's Life How dare you insult me with that rate.


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
Why are the rates so low? We cannot run this cheap and the company is forcing me to go broke. How often have we heard this?

For those that run on a flat rate this is not the blog for you as that is a whole different ball game. There are only so many ways to slice a pie and we can have big pieces or we can have a sliver of the pie but in the end, it is only one pie. We have had a couple of different percentage plans and the percentage was different with each company.

With one company, we were paid a lower percentage and then were paid to dead head to pick up the load at a flat rate per mile. We were told how many miles we had to dead head to pick up the load and then how many loaded miles and the rate. It was easy to figure how much we made on all miles by dividing the pay by total miles. Then we decided if that figure would work for us.
