/// Help With 1994 GMC Topkick Tranny issue ////


Expert Expediter
Hi All,

Earlier today I had to have my 1994 GMC Top Kick Box Truck (automatic w/ 3116 Cat) Towed about 50 Miles home.

The truck was seemingly running well for my helper when he said all of a sudden it felt as though somebody put the truck in neutral while heading up a hill.

The truck was on a 2 lane road with guard rails and no shoulder so he activated the hazards, put truck in neutral and set the parking brake and chocked the wheels to set out the cones.

He shut the truck off and called me letting me know the situation.

I told him to restart the truck and see if it had ANY gears....He did so and it seemed as though the only gear he had was reverse....No drive, 3 , 2, or 1 .

Now here's the weird part....The truck, when in neutral acts as though it's n reverse ! (it acutally caused the truck to jump a wheel chock!).

Anyways, the truck was towed to my house and I looked it over....no leaks per se.
Fluid was a little low but not by a lot...
Fluid looked Ok....not burnt.

The truck has 425K mostly highway miles.

Any ideas ?....Maybe a cable so some adjustment? (only reason I am thinking of cable is that I had to replace the parking brake cable earlier and maybe there is a cable working the tranny that could be out of adjustment or broken?

Why would neutral act like reverse?

The truck really doesn't "lurch" into gear even going into reverse....you have to give it fuel to make it go in reverse or neutral reverse.

Any thoughts on where to but a good used or rebuilt tranny? (my helper can drop and replace trannies BUT the cable adjustment may be tricky).... think the trans is an AT 545 from the reading I've done....It was dark and rainy out so I can look at the actual trans tomorrow to see if it has an ID plate or something.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.



Expert Expediter
Neutral always seems like reverse on an uphill.

HA...That's what I though when my driver said that but he said the truck was in neutral to park the truck against the wheel block but when he pushed the accelerator pedal in neural (he thought he was in drive but missed the notch) the truck backed over the wheel block as though it were in reverse.

I confirmed the same thing on level ground....reverse seems to work in reverse AND neutral...

No D, 3, 2, 1 ... BUT 2 reverses (in Reverse and Neutral) Sigh....