Fitness Apps for Expediters


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Retired Expediter
Four Mobile Apps the Drive Healthy Eating, Weight Loss For Expediters

Diet tracking (calorie counting) is one of the most effective strategies there is for weight loss and apps make it easy. It is not effortless. You still have to read the food labels, determine portion sizes and enter what you eat, but given the benefits this effort produces, it is well worth it.

The language of nutrition does not come easy to many people. The nutrition conversation quickly moves into science and jargon that can be off-putting. Nutrition writers often assume that people know what a calorie is or that when a phrase like "added sugar" is used, the meaning is commonly understood. But that is not the case for a huge portion of the population.

While using these diet trackers will take you, perhaps uncomfortably, into the science of nutrition, they will also help you understand the basic concepts. If you have never used a diet tracking app before, start easy. Use it not to jump all in. Use it with a food or two to start. Give yourself time to get the hang of it. Let the knowledge come at its own pace as you ease into this new experience.

On the positive side, you will notice almost immediately the effects that diet tracking will have in your daily walk. You will be more mindful of what you eat and your desire to improve your score will grow. When you start using a diet tracker, you will likely find yourself willingly making choices that you would not have made before.
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