It's a Team's Life Fifty Somethings are worth their weight in gold : It's a Teams Life


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On Time Media Staff
Why recruit the 20-something's?

While reading an article online from CCJ about recruiting drivers who are in their 20's and all of the difficulties companies are encountering I wondered why waste your time, efforts, and money.

We keep hearing and reading about the driver shortage in trucking. There are some creative ways to recruit drivers and entice them into becoming a commercial driver. We don't read much about the companies that have figured out it is a lot less expensive to keep their drivers then it is to spend money recruiting.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
This post over-generalizes. Look at the arrest records on a daily police blotter and you will find both groups well represented. There are plenty of 50-something people out there who are no more intelligent or successful than they were at age 20 and there are plenty of 20-something people out there that display all the good qualities this piece ascribes to the 50's set. Character, skills, intelligence and other such things are not a function of age. Desirable and undesirable traits are found in all generations.

The fact that younger people are not drawn to trucking like 20-somethings were drawn to it years ago is more about how trucking has changed than it is about how people in particular age groups are.
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