It's a Team's Life Don’t take my word for it


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
We just spent several days getting ready for the Expedite Expo, attending the Expedite Expo, and we were asked at least a million questions.

Questions from potential expediters or from someone wanting to enter the trucking industry can be very interesting and insightful. Many of the questions make us stop and think before we can answer and other answers are common sense within the trucking industry. The questions can range from how to sleep in a moving vehicle, how to back into a dock, or what receipts to keep for the business. Each question is in earnest and they do not need to hear a flippant reply.

It takes time and patience to answer questions from new people as often they do not understand the terminology we use. At one of the workshops that I was on a panel one lady wanted to know why she could not run for many companies so that she could pick and choose what she wanted to do. It seemed as if the more she talked and the more we answered the more confused all of us got.
