Check Engine/ Engine Protection warning on dash


Seasoned Expediter
I am new to diesel trucks. I just purchased a 2004 M2 straight truck with an MBE 900 280 hp diesel wth361K miles. On the trip home, the check engine and the engine protect light blinked on a couple of times. I called the seller who wants me to drive the truck back to check it out (a 6 hour trip). I took it out for a short 30 mie run ths week aand the lights seems to stay n longer. I do not want o damage this engine irreparably.
I am looking for basic troubleshooting ideas while scheduling a visit to a local diesel repair shop. The seller was to have replaced all filters (fuel, air & oil), the oil and completed a full DOT Inspection. The dealership said they will stand behind the truck...

Hep appreciated.


Expert Expediter
RE: Check Engine/ Engine Protection warning on das

Don't mess around, get it back to the dealer, especially since they said they would stand behind it! The cause for the "Check Engine" light may be something minor, but have it checked out.

If you bought it from a franchised dealer, ask if they will let you take it to a closer local dealer to be checked out.

Check your vital fluid levels BEFORE going to the dealer or anywhere else.

Also, if you got an Owner's Manual with the truck (if you didn't, demand one!) look up the procedure for reading the diagnostic fault codes. This usually can be done without special tools, and you may get an idea of what is causing the "Check Engine" light to come on.



Veteran Expediter
RE: Check Engine/ Engine Protection warning on das

Warning Shut Engine Off light is the serious one. Your not gona damage the engine with Check Engine light but it should not be ignored either. Like the other post stated check all fluids first, than head back if there gona stand by it.

By the way get use to these kinda problems they happen just when you least expect them. Most of the time its something dumb like a wire not being properly reconnected after a PM which happened to me.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Check Engine/ Engine Protection warning on das

The one I am conerned with IS the Engine Protect light. I will get it back to the dealer, as sson as i know hat is causing that light to come on...any ideas???


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Check Engine/ Engine Protection warning on das

With the MBE check your coolant level. It will gradually go down until those lights come on. You can't always tell from looking at the site glass. It will eventually stain from the coolant so it may look ok but not be. You have to take the cap off while it's cold and look into the overflow tank. You will first get the lights flashing on for just a second or so, sometimes when you lift off after a climb, sometimes near the top of a climb. If it isn't the coolant you'll have to get it diagnosed but I know for a fact that is sometimes the cause. Good luck.

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Seasoned Expediter
RE: Check Engine/ Engine Protection warning on das

Ok, I'll verify both the oil and coolant levels. I'll watch the gauges on the way to my friend's shop. I'll let my friend check the diagnostics to ensure there are no major issues. Then wewill plan the run to the dealer.