Looking Both Ways Building a Foundation For Your New Trucking Business--First Steps : Looking Both Ways


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On Time Media Staff
The Crucial First Cinder Blocks for Your New Business Foundation – The Business Plan

This post of Looking Both Ways is the second blog in a series on starting your own trucking company. The first cinder blocks you lay for your business foundation are the most crucial because all other bricks or blocks will be built off of these first blocks. These first blocks are the “cornerstones”. Solid ground - as in financial capital - is the first thing you need to place those first few foundation blocks on. A well thought business plan will help determine needed capital, as well as other building materials. A business plan is usually the sole component you can offer to any potential investor when requesting that investor to part with their monies for your new venture. Even if your new business requires no additional financial funding your business plan will help you establish goals and how you intend you reach them.
