Baker In Massachusetts refuses to accept Food Stamps


Expert Expediter The owner of Ever So Humble Pie Co in the Farmers Market refuses to accept EBT or Food Stamps even though the people that run the farmers market are pushing for all vendors to accept EBT/food stamps


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Good for him. Food stamps should be for BASICS only. I once watch a women pay for 6 dozen cupcakes for her granddaughters birthday party with the "freebie card" then pull out a wad of bills to pay cash for her cigarettes. :mad:


Staff member
Retired Expediter
When the Farmer's Organizers, in trying to persuade the baker to take the EBT tokens, asked her why should welfare recipients be denied access to her delicious, homemade, locally baked pies just because they can’t afford it, her response was, duh, "because they can't afford it." Said it's no different than using welfare benefits for nail salons and lottery tickets. “It’s pastry, it’s dessert, a luxury. My pies are great, but come on.”


Veteran Expediter
Good for him. Food stamps should be for BASICS only. :mad:

Food stamps or their various equivalents shouldn't exist AT ALL in any way, shape, form, or fashion, as long as they use Other People's Money that doesn't come from private charity.

That having been said, things have changed. Instead of decrying welfare and other forms of GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME, we need to now start encouraging their use, and not just for basics, but for luxuries. We have no chance of seeing freedom's phoenix arise from the ashes until the current system goes bankrupt, and the faster that can happen, the better. We need MORE people seeing welfare queens buying steak and lobster with EBT and then pulling out cash to buy booze, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. Our rulers have demonstrated they only want to spend more and more, never less, so the only way out of this debt is bankruptcy and default, and though it will be unpleasant, the faster it happens, the sooner it'll be over and the less painful it will be.
The only way we'll ever be free again is after checks from Washington no longer buy anything.
Let's hurry up and get there.
I will no longer criticize people, able-bodied or otherwise, from sucking on the public teat. Rather, I will encourage them to take MORE. Crashing the system is the only way out.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What I meant was IF we are going to be FORCED to provide charity it should ONLY cover the basics. NO cable TV either. WORK, HARD WORK, should be required of the able bodied. The harder the better. Bet THAT would thin out the ranks, and FAST!