Anyone using a gas piston upper


Expert Expediter
Just wondering if anyone is using a gas piston upper set-up on there AR, or if you are lucky enough you registered full auto AR/M16:D:D:D. Been looking at them for awhile now, thinking of buying a 10.25" upper gas piston set up for one of my green stamp lowers. I already have 9.25", 16" and a 24" bull barrel uppers. Just looking for something a little different I have heard good things about them but I have no real world experience with them. Come on I want to know what u gun nuts think:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Not a gunsmith by trade so I guess I am at loss talking about the upper receiver?? I thought all AR/M16 where gas operated??
My brother has several complete upper receivers not sure if its what your looking for or if he is even looking to get rid of them.
Good place to find pieces and parts below

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Expert Expediter
You are correct they are gas operated via a gas tube "no piston" after the round is fired the gas flows down the tube and "BLOWS BACK" the bolt carrier assembly, and the left over gas exhaust's thru the chamber. If you are a lefty like me u probably get that wonderful gas/gunpowder mix on your face "its wonderful trust me:eek:"

The gas piston system replaces the gas tube with a tube that has a spring and piston in it. When the weapon is fired the gas pushes the piston which in turn pushes the bolt/carrier assembly back the gas is exhausted out by the front sight opposed to thru the chamber "hints no gas in the face":) this system is also exposed to keep the chamber much cleaner because that dirty gas/powder mix stays out of the chamber which also helps reliablity. Hope I explained it good enough for those who did not know what a gas piston set is or does. Happy Shooting:D


Veteran Expediter
Thought you lefties had a proplem with hot brass,,,Guess I never gave powder burns a thought..Ya spailned it good...:D
Still trying to get hold of my brother to see what he has & if he is selling???


Veteran Expediter
I'm using 8 gas pistons. Work well. Especially in concert. Varoom!


Expert Expediter
HE HE!! I bet it is abit heavy and hard to shoulder to:eek: Moot, you must have really big arms:D:D:D


Veteran Expediter
My fav toy is gas powered piston sooo much cleaner it isn't funny, as some say "it doesn't crap in itself!"

I love it , oh and it is convertable for 4 different calibers..

XCR L Specifications

I have the 5.56 and the 6.8 conversions...has BUIS and a EOTech 512 on it 5.56 ammo is getting hard to get, 6.8 is expensive, but you have to do what you have to do.......