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  1. ATeam

    Retired, but still dream about my Expediting Career

    Diane and I came off the road in 2013 after 10 years of D and C-unit team expediting. Those were good years. It was a great run that we do not regret. As far as missing the road goes, we miss the good parts. That photo of the snow-covered C-unit reminds me why we moved to Florida. Thankfully...
  2. ATeam

    6 years of fighting, you would think they would be tired.

    In fairness to the generals, the politicians and Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, it should be noted that troops don't mass any more because when they do, they can be taken out by an Air Force Airman sitting in an air conditioned building in Nevada. Enemy behavior and battlefield tactics ain't...
  3. ATeam

    6 years of fighting, you would think they would be tired.

    The Art of War is required reading in the U.S. Army war college and most officers have read it long before they get there. When warriors are permitted to fight the battles, winners and losers are quickly decided. When politicians get into the game, the wars go on and on.