Search results

  1. SoG

    Nose Cone

    Does anyone know a company that can make me a custom made nose cone (for small boxtruck) with whatever size and shape I desire? Any info is much appreciated!
  2. SoG

    Expediters Journey

    Hey guys! Got a new truck recently and decided to make an instagram account that follows my journey with it. Would like to invite you guys to tag along! Pasting a link to it bellow. Stay safe out there!
  3. SoG

    Looking for companies that load cube vans.

    Hey guys, I am an o/o of a cube van aka small straight. Could anyone recomend some decent companies that get loads for o/o with the type of truck like mine. I work with number of companies and everything is fine but always opened for something new and maybe better. Drop the names and nunbers...
  4. SoG

    Hello there, been a while :) Got a tax question!

    Hey guys. Got a tax question for old timers. I am being told that there are 2 ways to do taxes. First is the way I always did it. Its when you count your fuel, insurance, maintanence and all that other good stuff. I did it this way because I drove someone elses trucks or rented from people I...
  5. SoG


    That's priceless! TINY STRAIGHT!!!!! What a glorious Day!
  6. SoG

    That's a new one

    Driving down I-64. See a guy and a girl on the side if the road with a flat looking lost. Pulled over and asked of they needed a hand. I kid you not, 3 tires were flat [emoji47] She said she drove over some bar or something. Never seen anything like that. They'll definitely need a tow truck...
  7. SoG

    Ohio Police

    Is that just me or Ohio has the biggest amount of police on the roads? What a glorious Day!
  8. SoG

    Fry's Electronics

    Anyone been to that store? I discovered it last week, been away from mainland US for a while so maybe this store been here for a decade BUT it's so awesome!!! All those cool "as seen on TV" electronic products and a bunch of other cool stuff. If you haven't been there, check it out! What a...
  9. SoG

    Worst Pilot in the universe!

    First of I want to say that I love Flying J/Pilot truck stops. That said, there is one in Sacramento who has a separate owner who doesn't honor expediters! Unless you have a CDL they will not honor your shower credits! Hope that changes! What a glorious Day!
  10. SoG

    Deep cycle battery

    What's the best place to buy one and which battery maker would you suggest? Looking for one to last at LEAST 8 hours with a working espar! What a glorious Day! Thanks for the feedback!
  11. SoG


    THE RAMPS [emoji6][emoji8] What a glorious Day!
  12. SoG


    I hear that even if your van/truck is suppose to run on regular, it's good to fill up with super once a month for a little cleansing. Your thoughts? What a glorious Day!
  13. SoG

    A metal box

    I want to mount a box under the truck to keep some things in. Any suggestions on where I could purchase one that isn't too expensive and preferably not online. No exact size but something around 1 foot wide by 2 feet tall and 2 feet deep. Any input is appreciated! What a glorious Day!
  14. SoG

    Toll pass collection!

    So far I got me an I pass which substitutes EZ pass. Got Sun Pass for Florida and FasTrak for Cali. What other passes are there? What a glorious Day!
  15. SoG

    Hot bevarage cup!

    Could someone suggest where to get a great coffee/tea travel mug? I got the pilot one and it got beat up in 5 month. Main thing is the Pilot mug isn't really comfortable to drink from because of how its made, and it's also too fat for cup holders. Thanks in advance! What a glorious Day!
  16. SoG

    More then usual are off the road today in IOWA

    [emoji20] What a glorious Day!
  17. SoG

    Diesel gelling

    Got a separate gas tank for diesel under the truck that provides diesel for espar can heater. Starting to get the feeling that it gels up in there due to cold tempratures. Anyways to help that? Thank you! What a glorious Day!
  18. SoG


    So far I have been to every state but Alaska. I am planning on to get a load for there one day! Anyone here has experience driving a load there? Please share your experience! Also what were the rates given for that journey? Thank you! What a glorious Day!
  19. SoG

    MC insurance question

    So there is an insurance that you get for your MC # which is separate from the insurance you get on your vehicle. Correct? If you know about this please explain the difference and the costs avarage for the MC insurance. Thanks for the help! What a glorious Day!
  20. SoG

    Monthly income

    What's the avarage monthly earning for owner operators of vans and of straight trucks? Ball park it for me please! Sent from my SM-J337A using EO Forums mobile app