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Trucking Moves America Forward Meets 2015 Goals

Posted Mar 27th 2015 1:22PM

Trucking Moves America Forward, the industry-wide image and education movement, announced that had it reached its goal of raising $1 million since its inception last March, which was made possible by contributions from more than 100 trucking companies, allied members and individuals.

"We have achieved great strides during our first year of the movement, and we are grateful for everyone who has contributed to TMAF through both financial and in-kind support," said Kevin Burch, co-chairman of TMAF, president of Ohio-based Jet Express and second vice chairman of American Trucking Associations.

Burch highlighted the following achievements:

  • a total of more than 140 donors
  • more than $4 million of in-kind donations through advertising, sponsorships, trade shows, printing and more
  • sponsorship on the Love's Travel Stops and Pilot Flying J NASCAR race cars
  • 3,000 website subscribers
  • 25,400 YouTube views
  • 2,330 Facebook likes
  • 890 Twitter followers

Dick Pingel, an OOIDA board member, represented the trucking owner-operators at the event and called for everyone to continue building upon the current momentum.

"It's amazing to witness members from all areas of the trucking industry encourage each other and recognize how their roles are interconnected. From the professional truck drivers, to the technicians, travel-plaza attendants, dispatchers, and others, all who have joined together and are willing to make a real difference. But we must continue to grow, so that as a strong, united force, we can maintain a healthy, thriving industry," Pingel said.

Keith Tuttle, president of Motor Carrier Service, and chairman of Truckload Carriers Association, acknowledged the movement's efforts in improving the image of the industry.

"We must continue to tell the story that today's drivers are skilled professionals and devoted family men and women, trained to focus on safety, efficiency and reliability, while operating the safest and most sustainable trucks," Tuttle said.

For 2015, TMAF announced that its goals are to continue fundraising; activate and engage the trucking industry further by providing marketing and public relations tools; support federal and state advocacy efforts focused on highway funding, highway infrastructure and improving the operational environment; continue to develop strategies for public messages by using research measurements; continue to build pride within the trucking industry and to make trucking an attractive career.