In The News

OOS Violations Down in This Year's Brake Check

Posted Jul 23rd 2015 10:22AM

Out of service brake violations dropped slightly this year during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's annual, unannounced brake check day.

On May 6, CVSA-certified inspectors in 32 participating states and Canadian provinces and territories checked brakes on 6,337 commercial vehicles. Brake violations placed 14.2% of inspected vehicles out of service, which is down a full percentage point from the 15.2% last year.

Brake stroke violations placed 9.5% of vehicles out of service this year and 7.7% were taken out for brake component violations. This is compared to 9% and 8.5% respectively last year.

More than 50,000 individual wheel ends were checked in North America during the one-day event. It was found that brakes equipped with manual adjusters were 2.5 times more likely to be out of adjustment than those equipped with self-adjusting brake adjusters.

The CVSA recently announced the dates of its next Operation Airbrake event, Brake Safety Week, which is a week-long brake safety campaign. To read the full results of the brake check, click here.