Dried Fruit: Good or Bad?


Veteran Expediter
Lots of sugar....
Yep, lots of natural sugar...it's still sugar...darn!
Moderation...oh heck Ya!
And some moderate walking to burn it off! Some people don't realize the natural sugars in say a banana or Apple...but it's a way better sugar than a regular Coke, Cinnabon or sugar in your coffee.
You betcha...not saying fruit is "bad".
Many variables included.
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Staff member
It is natural sugar but eaten in small quantities it is not all bad. I have also given eating fruit very often and have found that sometimes a piece of dried fruit cures my craving for something different.


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Retired Expediter
I do love me some dried apricots. But, like all other dried fruits, it's just concentrated sugar, so I have to be careful. I stay away from dried fruits usually. But every now and then I'll eat a few pieces.

The trick to bananas is eating them while they're still relatively green. If they're still firm and kinda green, they're about a 45 or so on the Glycemic Index. Once they get yellow it rockets up the Index. Yellow/brown and speckled (perfect for banana pudding), it's like a 95 on the Index.

The fruit I eat are bananas, apples, oranges, berries (black, blue, straw) apricots (and occasionally, but rarely, stone fruits like peaches and pears). Natural sugars, so I don't binge eat them (or juice them), but they all have lots of water and fiber to help control the sugar.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I rarely eat dried fruit. Too much sugar. When I do though, it would be right after an intense weight training workout. Eating it after an intense workout, the sugar will less likely be stored as fat. It's more likely replacing muscle glycogen depletion.
The only time I eat bananas are with smoothies in the morning or after workouts. Chase it with a little bit of old fashioned oats. The fiber in the oats will blunt the higher glycemic index in the ripe bananas. Ripe bananas are more nutritious,(more antioxidants too) easier digestible, and tastier. Just strategically eat them at the right time to prevent blood sugar spikes.


Veteran Expediter
Some people don't realize the natural sugars in say a banana or Apple...but it's a way better sugar than a regular Coke, Cinnabon or sugar.

I don't know how anyone can eat a Cinnabomb. I finally tried one, so sweet it made me sick, now I get nauseous every time I walk by them
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Veteran Expediter
I don't know how anyone can eat a Cinnabomb. I finally tried one, so sweet it made me sick, now I get nauseous every time I walk by them

I will indulge in a Cinnabon once in a blue moon. Last week I got one naked (the pastry, not me :eek: ). As usual, it was delicious:cool: